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Asia IP

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Key takeaways from IPOS trademark case involving Monster Energy Company, YG Entertainment

IP lawyer discusses salient points of the case including the importance of consumer perception

Clarity in scope of remedies in claim of breach of confidence: Amber Compounding Pharmacy Pte Ltd and another v. Lim Suk Ling Priscilla and others

This Singapore High Court decision arose from the preliminary determination of an issue in law – spe...

WIPO-Singapore ASEAN Mediation Programme sees first successful mediation

The mediation resulted in cost and time savings for the parties in the trademark dispute.

Managing the tax implications of transactions with IP rights

There is a growing interaction between intellectual property rights and taxation, as taxation laws i...

Lessons from the SAG strike

With Hollywood’s 118-day strike resolved, production can finally resume on our favourite evening TV...

Consumer interest: In trademark litigation, are consumers the missing party?

There is a growing belief that the consumer is a crucial third party missing from the courtroom. Esp...

IPOS, Ministry of Law publish Copyright (Collective Management Organizations) Regulations 2023

The regulations establish a new class licensing scheme for regulating Collective Management Organiza...

Protecting software and computer-implemented inventions

Software is now a vital part of innovation across various sectors, but many nations lack sufficient...