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Asia IP

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Legal issues around KOL marketing in Hong Kong and mainland China

Key opinion leaders – known as influencers in much of the world – are increasingly being used in mar...

Improving Taiwan’s patent search application environment and local patent portfolios

The Taiwan Intellectual Property Office has completed two significant projects which will improve th...

When trademarks are used as a war strategy

Modern-age warfare is not limited to conventional forms of attack. Nations have recognized that trad...

Thailand IP Experts 2022

Thailand has made significant progress in strengthening the protection of intellectual property in t...

TRIPS and international pressure on high-income countries to accept TRIPS waiver

In the wake of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, there is an ever-growing urgent need to supply vaccine...

Daimler AG v. Vivo Mobile Communication Co., Ltd.

The case concerns an opposition in Singapore by Daimler AG (the opponent) to a trademark application...

Patent waiver for Covid-19 vaccines finally approved

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has finally approved the patent waiver that will tear down barrie...

Artificial Creators: Can Works by AI Warrant IP Protection?

When discussing artificial intelligence, people often focus on how far AI can go. Ivy Choi asks: Are...