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Asia IP

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Audi, Nio trademark dispute in Australia: Scope of protection in automotive industry is relatively narrow

Lawyer discusses arguments of both parties, including that the “E” merely stands for “electric vehic...

Rolex trademark infringement case in Kazakhstan: Court should have considered consumer perception

Rolex wins case but attorney cites reasons why court ruling could have been different

Singapore: IPOS launches free deferment of patent prosecution as pilot initiative

The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) has launched a pilot initiative to allow eligib...

Changes to New Zealand’s GI (Wine and Spirits) Registration Act 2006 come into effect on May 1, 2024

In providing greater protection for EU GIs, the changes require traders to make some adjustments.

UAE can now register their trademarks in different formats, according to senior official

Abdulla Al Saleh, under-secretary of foreign trade and industry at the Ministry of Economy, said tha...

Increasing value of copyright works, ideal outcome of NZ-EU FTA, says IP attorney

On June 30, 2022, New Zealand’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade published the New Zealand-EU F...

INTA releases Report on the Taxation of Trademarks and Complementary Rights in Europe

The International Trademark Association (INTA) on Monday, May 2, released its Report on the Taxation...

Former Apple senior patent counsel joins Brownstein in Los Angeles

Marcus Reeslund will oversee complex patent portfolios, patent prosecution and sophisticated IP asse...