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Asia IP

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Divisional applications put a notch on their belt

The issue of the dormancy of divisional applications has recently cropped up on the IP scene in Russ...

Co-existence: A bar to confusion

Are the ABS-CBN and Apple Podcast marks confusingly similar?

India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry publishes draft Trade Marks Rules, 2024

Progressive, but rules contain ambiguities and drawbacks, say IP lawyers.

IP Australia to form Indigenous Knowledge Panel, welcomes applications from Indigenous community

Creation of a panel in compliance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Misappropriated Trademark Applications in Japan

Trademark owners face potential risks in Japan when it comes to brokers who register marks unscrupul...

What does an applicant need to do before a successful trademark registration in Russia?

The procedure for registering a trademark in Russia begins with Rospatent. After filing, the applica...

Singaporean photographer wins appeal in copyright case against artist from Luxembourg

Court decision essential in today’s information age, a triumph for copyright holders, says IP lawyer

Myanmar begins publication of applications under trademark law

Interested third parties can now file opposition to a published mark within 60 days of publication,...