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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Dismissed copyright case in India has significant implications for IP practice in the country

The limitations of copyright in protecting industrial design and other key takeaways from the case

Distribution and franchising in Russia

For the purposes of dynamic development of any large and ambitious company, entering a new market is...

AI’s serenade to obviousness

The change in patentability requirements brought about by artificial intelligence has been debated f...

Protecting AI inventions in Singapore

The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is profoundly impacting business and society, with...

Compensation: A useful alternative to damages

Russian law always provided that infringement of rights for patents and trademarks entailed punishme...

Singaporean writers reject use of their works to train LLM for gov’t project

An email sent to the writers described the project but failed to address copyright matters.

IP Australia to form Indigenous Knowledge Panel, welcomes applications from Indigenous community

Creation of a panel in compliance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Australia’s amended Trade Marks Act and Regulations, Patents Regulations come into effect

An overview of the amendments, which include an updated trademark classification of goods and servic...