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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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China, Bahrain launch Patent Prosecution Highway pilot program

This aims to simplify the patent application process for innovators.

Dismissed copyright case in India has significant implications for IP practice in the country

The limitations of copyright in protecting industrial design and other key takeaways from the case

Coming soon: Dedicated IP court in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh lawyer explains why Vietnam needs one with specialized IP judges to boot.

Is your brand well-known in another country?

Understanding the ins and outs of well-known status and legal protections is vital.

Novartis v. Natco imparts clarity on examination and opposition process under Patents Act being parallel but independent

In a decision dated January 9, 2024, the Delhi High Court clarified that the examination and opposit...

Cassidy Guo joins FenXun Partners in Beijing

Guo joins Baker McKenzie partner firm from KWM.

IP Australia to form Indigenous Knowledge Panel, welcomes applications from Indigenous community

Creation of a panel in compliance with the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Hong Kong IP office to issue electronic Certificates of Registration beginning on June 28, 2024

A good step toward going digital, but the IP office can do more, says laywer.