Asia IP
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Ameet Kaur Purba joins LAW Partnership
Purba known for portfolio management in life sciences, oil and gas.
Leading regional firms create DNA
Firms from SGP, MYS and IDN form Drew Network Asia.
The curious case of the tongkat ali extract patent
How can naturally available substances be patented?
Southeast Asia, social media and copyright
The dangers of copyright infringement on social media.
Where They’re Calling From: GIs and the Road Ahead
Asian nations are actively expanding their list of GIs and see some of their most valuable goods pro...
Emerging IP Issues in the Age of Information Technology
In this age of information technology, what are IP rights?
The Impact of Technology
Johnny Chan speaks to lawyers across jurisdictions about their privacy laws, outsourcing trends and...
ASEAN: We are Ready
The ASEAN Intellectual Property Association was formed 20 years ago in Kuala Lumpur. Lily Zhang ...