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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Novartis v. Natco imparts clarity on examination and opposition process under Patents Act being parallel but independent

In a decision dated January 9, 2024, the Delhi High Court clarified that the examination and opposit...

INTA 2024: CIOs encourage companies to find their ‘data language’

“Artificial intelligence continues to be a hot topic, and there is no AI without the massive infusio...

Vietnam’s first criminal sentence for online copyright infringement

Sentence is a symbolic landmark in IP rights enforcement in Vietnam, says IP lawyer.

INTA 2024: GC want communication from IP lawyers, but not all the details

What does a company’s general counsel want to know about the work of its IP lawyers? It might not be...

IPOPHL honours individuals, companies with IP impact

Recognition was extended to more than 40 institutional and individual partners for their contributio...

Uzbekistan cuts registration fees for foreign companies, impacts IP

This move impacts state obligations as well as advertising, trademarks, and intellectual property.

Key takeaways from IPOS trademark case involving Monster Energy Company, YG Entertainment

IP lawyer discusses salient points of the case including the importance of consumer perception

Pakistan now a signatory to Marrakesh Treaty

Accession to Treaty will enable the visually-impaired to access copyright works via braille, other f...