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Asia IP

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Lessons from the “very demure, very mindful” trademark issue

Lawyer advises content creators to register any word, logo or sign that defines their image and bran...

Couples in (and out of) love: Intellectual property issues in a relationship

Are IPs created during a relationship considered shared property, or are they retained solely by the...

India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry publishes draft Trade Marks Rules, 2024

Progressive, but rules contain ambiguities and drawbacks, say IP lawyers.

Novartis v. Natco imparts clarity on examination and opposition process under Patents Act being parallel but independent

In a decision dated January 9, 2024, the Delhi High Court clarified that the examination and opposit...

INTA 2024: Stakeholders note rules in the use of indigenous cultural properties

Stakeholders have identified considerations when using indigenous cultural properties for brands and...

INTA files intervention on interpretation of ‘article’ under India’s Designs Act, 2000

The International Trademark Association (INTA) has filed an intervention before the Delhi High Court...

India’s Draft Patent (Amendment) Rules, 2024 notified

Among others, examination timeline now down from 48 to 31 months, speeding up patent registration.

IPOPHL releases statutory fair use guidelines to clarify rules on copyright exceptions

This is to help Filipino innovators, educators and creatives develop a deeper knowledge of IP rights...