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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Dismissed copyright case in India has significant implications for IP practice in the country

The limitations of copyright in protecting industrial design and other key takeaways from the case

What should we know about the names of drugs?

When it comes to naming drugs, there’s more to consider than simply coming up with a snappy trade na...

Hong Kong IP office to issue electronic Certificates of Registration beginning on June 28, 2024

A good step toward going digital, but the IP office can do more, says laywer.

Indonesia mandates trademark certificates for textile, footwear imports

This is motivated by the increasing circulation of imported goods in traditional markets and the inc...

India’s Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 which covers digital piracy awaits formal notification

Lawyer discusses strengths and weaknesses of the bill’s provisions on digital piracy of films.

South Korea significantly increases prison sentences for stealing or leaking technology secrets

The amended legislation also adds more assessment criteria to the process of authorizing foreign cor...

Managing the tax implications of transactions with IP rights

There is a growing interaction between intellectual property rights and taxation, as taxation laws i...