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Asia IP - Intellectual Property News and Analysis

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Indian music composer cries foul over unauthorized use of song for upcoming flick Coolie

A discussion of India’s Copyright Act and why the composer is doing the right thing

SG’s Copyright Act 2021: Public consultation on exceptions involving access control measures begins

Ministry of Law, IPOS seek feedback on whether these exceptions should be retained, modified, etc.

Seller of illegal streaming devices at popular shopping centre in Singapore charged in court

More targeted approach to address illegal streaming in SG may work better, says IP lawyer.

Indian gov’t says country’s existing IP regime can protect AI-generated works

No need for separate rights, says gov’t, but IP lawyer believes legislation should be amended.

Weak copyright compliance hounds India’s music publishing industry, according to report

IP lawyer discusses the issue and recommends measures for improving copyright compliance

IPOS, Ministry of Law publish Copyright (Collective Management Organizations) Regulations 2023

The regulations establish a new class licensing scheme for regulating Collective Management Organiza...

Copyright Bill 2023 passed in Parliament of Bangladesh

Bill addresses copyright in relation to modern tech, folk culture, visually impaired persons and oth...

IPOS, MinLaw launch public consultation on draft regulations for CMOs

The public consultation is part of an ongoing review of Singapore’s copyright regime.