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SIPO Appoints New Commissioner

08 January 2014

SIPO Appoints New Commissioner

On December 23, 2013, Shen Changyu was named the new commissioner and party secretary of the State Intellectual Property Office of China at SIPO’s Cadres Assembly. Deputy head of the Organization Department of the Central Committee Wang Ercheng announced the appointment and the decision to dismiss former commissioner Tian Lipu. 

Wang said that intellectual property has become a key resource of the country’s strategic development and a core element for the international competition. He said that SIPO has made positive contributions in promoting the scientific development of intellectual property and accelerating the construction of the innovation-oriented country, along with China’s goal of implementing IP strategy and establishing a strong IP office.

The new commissioner was president of Dalian University of Technology since August 2012 and was president of Zhengzhou University from 2003 to 2012. Being an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shen promised to promote China’s intellectual property to a higher level and to meet China’s economic development, international status and strategic development goals. 

Tian said he hoped that the new SIPO team would work together and improve the country’s ability to create, use, protect and manage intellectual property. He said that he will continue to do what he can to help with China’s intellectual property after retirement. 

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