Preparations for the introduction of the electronic IP case file in Germany
09 October 2014

According to DPMA, preparations are now also underway for the introduction of the electronic IP case file in the trade mark area of the German Patent and Trade Mark Office, after full electronic processing has been available for patents and utility models since 1 June 2011. For trade mark procedures, this means that it is no longer only the procedures that are handled electronically but all incoming mail is also digitised. Paper case files will no longer be created. This will make processes more efficient and reduce the duration of procedures.
Currently, the planned electronic system is being intensively tested in all areas to allow a smooth changeover of trade mark procedures to fully electronic file management and file processing.
In the light of the above, the processing of submissions and requests may be slightly delayed in national trade mark procedures as well as in procedures concerning the extension of protection to Germany.
1. Processing of new trade mark applications is still given top priority. File inspection procedures, renewals of registrations, certification procedures and reclassifications are also given preference.
2. Requests for international registration and subsequent extension of protection, too, continue to be treated with utmost priority; in particular, the handling of notifications of defects of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and of requests for reinstatement are prioritised.
However, delays may occur in the processing of other requests in procedures concerning international registration, particularly, requests for full or partial cancellation, limitation of the list of goods and services and changes of names and addresses. To avoid disadvantages you should draw our attention to deadlines set by WIPO or by designated contracting parties of the Madrid Protocol.