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600,000 Fakes Destroyed

19 October 2012

600,000 Fakes Destroyed
Thai authorities burned and otherwise destroyed 613,374 counterfeit items in September following a court order in a joint effort between the Department of Intellectual Property, the Commerce Ministry and the Royal Thai Police, along with interested private sector groups. The value of the destroyed goods was estimated at B2.2 billion (US$72 million).

The Sydney Morning Herald reported that Deputy Commerce Minister Alongkorn Ponlaboot launched the attack, slashing at confiscated T-shirts with a sword and then driving a steamroller over piles of watches and CDs.”

“The objective is to prevent counterfeit and pirated goods from getting back to the market and to show the government’s commitment to intellectual property rights protection,” he said following the destruction process.

Alongkorn also told reporters that the process was environmentally friendly, and that those pieces which can be recycled or reused will be.

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