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Asia IP

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Anand and Anand announces The Indian Science Inventions and Innovations Conference

As Noida-based Anand and Anand prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary in August, the firm is or...

Challenges with adding or removing an inventor in a filed Indian patent application

The Ayyangar Committee’s report, which was issued in 1959 and provides the legislative intent behind...

Brand owners should have mechanisms for monitoring IP infringing content

Trademark incident involving Amazon and popular Indian beverage underscores need to have such mechan...

Copyright violations make up bulk of complaints by Indian users received by Google in July 2022

IP lawyer suggests ways to fight online infringement amid increasing complaints

Notification of crop species in Indian Plant Variety Act: Recent developments

The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights, 2001 (the PVP Act) is a sui-generis system pr...

Evolution of scope of amendment of specification under Indian patent law

Amending a document is, at times, necessary to preserve the interest of the parties, and the law gen...

Battle between Indian copyright societies sparks question: How many copyright societies does a country need?

The rise of two duelling copyright societies in India has brought about discussion as to how many co...