Asia IP
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Domain names qualifying as IP rights like trademarks?
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” This Shakesp...
Resolutions for IP rights owners and lawyers
Espie Angelica A. de Leon gathers a group of lawyers’ best set of resolutions for their clients – an...
Indonesian youth who earned huge sums from his selfies turned NFTs: what are his IP rights?
A computer science student from Semarang, Indonesia became wealthier by more than US$1 million in Ja...
The rise of IP rights and data privacy in a pandemic
speaking with two Baker McKenzie lawyers about the intersection of the pandemic, IP and data privacy...
IP rights: To forego or not to forego?
reporting that not everyone is convinced that would work as intended.
Who owns your wedding photos? Changes to first ownership rights highlight Singapore’s amended Copyright Act
Who owns the rights to your wedding photos? Singaporeans are long accustomed to owning the rights of...
How does owning IP rights impact a company’s performance?
A recent survey suggests a correlation between innovation – and intellectual property – and a compan...
IPOPHL Calls for Vigilance of IP Rights Threats
The Philippines' Bureau of Customs (BOC) destroyed P500 million worth of counterfeit goods at the he...