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Asia IP

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Asia IP’s editorial team reveals China’s top IP firms, practices

And the winners of the 2021 Asia IP China Awards are...

2020 Asia IP Awards: And the winners are...

In a truly unprecedented year for all, which IP firms stood out from the crowd?

Nominations now open for the 2021 Asia IP China Awards

Leading local law firms in China are now invited to submit information for the 2021 Asia IP China Aw...

Vote for the Best IP Firms in Asia Pacific!

Voting for the 2020 Asia IP Awards is now live. Have your say now!

Asia IP reveals India’s top IP firms, practices

And the best IP firms and practices in India are...

Nominate the top law firms for the 2020 Asia IP Awards!

In December, Asia IP will announce the winners of the 2020 Asia IP Awards.

Asia IP launches the 2020 Asia IP India Awards

In October, Asia IP magazine will announce the winners of the 2020 Asia IP India Awards.

2020 China IP Awards: And the Winners Are....

Who are the top IP law firms in China?