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The legal market in Laos remains small, with a strong cadre of local and regional law firms providing the majority of legal representation in the country. Laos does have functioning intellectual property laws, and some talented home-grown lawyers to advise on how best to use them. But if you’re not satisfied with any of the firms on the ground in Vientiane, you can also find advisors in nearby regional urban centres including Bangkok, Singapore, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and Phnom Penh. 


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DFDL was established in 1994 and was the first officially-authorized foreign legal and tax consultancy firm in Laos. It has been involved in most of the country’s major projects; its clients include major international and Asian foreign investors.  

Bangkok-based new-gen, full-service law firm ILAWASIA has expanded operations to Laos, where it operates as ILAW Laos. Founder and managing partner Somphob Rodboon is engaging, thorough and creative in his search for solutions, whether the problem lies in IP, corporate and commercial or other aspects of business law. On the ground in Vientiane, Viphavanh Syharath is a key IP contact. 

Kenfox IP & Law Office is a regional firm which has been recognized for its advice on IP as well as a wide range of legal issues. Many of its lawyers have previously worked at various governmental ministries.

Established in 1999, Lao Interconsult Company Limited has a team of qualified experts and is a member of various international IP associations. It offers services such as trademark filings and prosecutions, availability searches, assignments, renewals, licensing and franchising. Monmany Yaganegi and Mouane Simoungkhot are key contacts.  

Lao Law & Consultancy Group is the only domestic legal firm that has specialized knowledge and experience in IP including trademark, trade name, domain name, patent, petty patent, industrial design, copyright, geographic indication, integrated circuit layout, trade secret, plant variety and infringement execution. Executive manager Khamsene Sayavong is a key contact.  

Lao Premier is a well-respected firm and is one of the largest in the country. As a sister firm of Siam Premier International in Thailand, it has a team of both local and foreign lawyers to offer the following services: patent, trade and service mark registrations, copyright infringement advice, licensing, franchising contracts, documentation filing, renewals, raids and investigations, due diligence, transactions and portfolio management. Rawat Chomsri is a key contact. 

Mirandah Asia handles Lao IP issues through its offices in Hanoi and in Singapore, where director Gladys Mirandah brings more than 35 years of IP experience in Asia. Mirandah has been admitted to practice in Singapore, the UK and Brunei. The firm is noted for its work in ASEAN countries and elsewhere, and has offices in Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Hanoi, Manila and Bangkok, as well as significant experience in Cambodia, Myanmar, Brunei and India.  

Viengsavanh Phanthaly leads Phanthaly Law in Vientiane. He advises on IP law, telecommunications law, consumer protection law and other laws relating to commercial transactions in Laos. He is advising on a US$8 million concession project for the installation of a container scanning system at eight custom check points in Laos; he is also litigation counsel for a casino business dispute valued at US$200 million. 

Rajah & Tann’s Vientiane office works closely with the firm’s head office in Singapore. Singapore-based partner Brian Ng advises on, among other things, technology and startups, and is a director in the Vientiane office. Legal advisor Khanti Syackhaphom is based in Vientiane, where his practice covers business law, banking and finance, and mergers and acquisitions.  

Bangkok-based Tilleke & Gibbins provides legal advice for foreign investors and others in Laos through its office in Vientiane. The firm has particular expertise in trademark and other IP law in Laos, but is also positioned to provide advice on a range of corporate and commercial matters. Corporate, commercial and dispute resolution lawyer Prisna Sungwanna leads the firm’s Laos office. The team has assisted numerous MNCs on both trademark and patent registration and enforcement in the jurisdiction. The firm was named Laos Intellectual Property Firm of the Year at the 2024 Asia IP Awards in Manila.

Vientiane International Law is dedicated to providing the highest quality of legal counsel, business consulting, and representation of its clients regionally, nationally, and internationally.  

While based in Vietnam, VNA Legal can still assist clients with all of their IP needs such as drafting, negotiating and registering trademark agreements, software agreements, technology transfer agreements and enforcement. Partner Konrad Hull is a key contact.  

ZICO Law (Laos) is part of the Kuala Lumpur-based regional legal network of the same name. Aristotle David, who has more than a decade of experience in Laos, is managing partner of the Vientiane office, which was formerly known as Vientiane Law.