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Asia IP

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The burden of proof and evidence in disputes about company names in conflict with the requirements of the Russian Civil Code

According to Part 1 of Article 65 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, each...

Copyright for works created by a neural network

One of the popular technologies of recent years is neural networks – or rather their software implem...

IP attorney believes Russian court ruling on Peppa Pig case raised awareness of content creators

An IP attorney in Vietnam said she believes a recent Russian court ruling involving Peppa Pig has in...

McDonald's Peppa Pig caught in Russia-Ukraine conflict

Entertainment One UK, the proprietor of British cartoon favorite Peppa Pig Ltd, brought trademark in...

The Hong Kong International Arbitration Center has appointed professor Anton V. Asoskov to council

Asoskov is professor in the civil law department at Lomonosov Moscow State University, and a profess...

Singapore Gets Boost As IP Hub For Innovative Russian Enterprises

Russia to use Singapore as a base to access Asian growth markets.